Sustainability at Brumberg.
We were already thinking about tomorrow yesterday.
We are committed to a responsible, holistic approach and consider sustainability with all its facets. Social justice, ecological responsibility and fair business have been our life and work values since the company was founded. To constantly improve light for people and the environment. The currently central topics in the lighting industry range from energy and material efficiency to climate protection, from biodiversity to recycling and the circular economy. Topics that we are successively tackling for a sustainable world.
"For us, sustainability means future viability. Or simply 'doing the right thing. And if something is sustainable, it is sensible in the long term. For us, that means finding the right balance for ecology, economy and social issues and making them an integral part of the company. In all our endeavors, we look beyond the end of our noses: for future generations."
- Johannes and Benedikt Brumberg (Management)
Projected figures for the year 2023.

Light and thus luminaires for a better energy balance.
Investing in the environment - a project that pays off.
Successively converting our luminaire efficiency (more light with less electricity) is no easy task for a medium-sized, family-run company. In the world, we have to maintain our balance in order to remain an attractive employer in the future and at the same time ensure sustainability. With our Ecoprofit certificate, we have taken the first step. Now we are taking others. We are not doing this exclusively for ourselves, but also to offer our partners and customers helpful products and services, for areduction in CO2.
A holistic approach to sustainability considers not only ecological and economic responsibility, but also social responsibility. Wertschätzender Umgang untereinander ist für uns eine Selbstverständlichkeit. Gemeinsam im Team entwickeln wir uns stetig weiter, worauf wir Tag für Tag stolz sind. Jeder einzelne von uns hat die Möglichkeit in unserer großen BRUMBERG-Familie berufliche Ziele zu erreichen und sich auch persönlich zu verwirklichen. Das schafft die Grundlage für nachhaltigen Erfolg. Denn Menschen machen den Unterschied.
Our basis for good working conditions in addition to human interaction: health promotion, occupational safety and equal pay. The voluntary benefits for our employees, such as fruit & water or various sports programmes, support this basic framework. In November 2022, we were recognised as a "family-friendly company in the Hochsauerland district" by the Hochsauerland district business development agency.
Our orientation.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are our foundation. The 2030 Agenda was drawn up by the United Nations in 2015 as a basis for further development up to 2030. 17 goals for sustainable progress address the global challenges with 169 targets. To ensure that we do not lose our focus, we have selected 6 areas on which we are actively working.

Decent work and economic growth.
Promote lasting, broad-based and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure.
Build resilient infrastructure, promote broad-based and sustainable industrialization, and support innovation.

Sustainable cities and communities.
Making cities and settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

Sustainable consumption and production.
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

Climate protection measures.
Take immediate action to combat climate change and its effects.

Partnerships to achieve the goals.
Strengthen means of implementation and breathe new life into the global partnership for sustainable development.
Brumberg concrete.
Without society there is no sociability - without promotion there is no development.
We act regionally with various local measures. Forest. For Generations is an initiative in which we support the development of mixed forests in the Sauerland region. The spruce monoculture becomes an orchestra of diversity. Sauerland Rock'n Roll.
In the social sphere, we support schools and clubs in the region to help them develop. This involves monetary donations but also measures where we provide information in schools on the subject of sustainability. Goals: How everyone can contribute to a better world with their contribution.
Ecoprofit certification.
Goal: To significantly reduce ourCO2 footprint.
At the corporate level, we have been certifying our entire corporate processes with Ecoprofit since December 2021. This concerns our CO² footprint at the site, in transport routes through to product development.
Regional support for the Sauerland forest.
Forestry that creates forests for tomorrow that are naturally suitable and manageable for the future, and can become native to the region.
Cradle-to-Cradle certification.*
Designing products sustainably.
We are pursuing C2C certification with our initial product developments. The cradle-to-cradle principle describes a continuous and consistent circular economy. In this process, products are broken down into single-variety starting materials after use, whereby the material quality is retained and fed into technical cycles. (MELODY)
In this way, valuable resources can be saved, waste avoided and the environment protected. We aim to reuse100% of the materials used in the material cycle. This means in detail: Developing pure types, the products can be completely disassembled according to materials, are completely recyclable and are manufactured in Germany. In other words, short delivery routes and a reduced CO² footprint.
*is in the registration process.
LOOP. Light Of Ocean Plastic.
The first certified LED recessed luminaire housing made from 100% Recycled Ocean Plastic.
Plastic waste in the ocean is a global catastrophe that we must do something about. We are making an important contribution with the first luminaire whose plastic content is 100% Recycled Ocean Plastic. With LOOP, we are setting new standards for sustainable lighting solutions on the global market that reflect high quality, functionality and aesthetics. Because sustainability is not just a fleeting trend. For more and more consumers, this is precisely an important factor in their purchasing decisions.
The luminaire housings can be combined with 30 Brumberg lighting inserts, but are also available as a pre-assembled set with converter, making them quick and easy to install. Ideal, therefore, for new construction and refurbishment in different types of buildings.

Successive conversion of the vehicle fleet to e-vehicles.

Possibility of service wheel leasing.

Use of recycled paper for catalogs and carrier bags.

Reduce residual waste and expand recycling.

Compostable gummy bear packaging.