Federal funding for efficient buildings.
The Federal Subsidy for Efficient Buildings (BEG) is a program to promote energy-efficient measures for the renovation of buildings. The aim of the programme is to modernize even more buildings in terms of energy efficiency and to reduceCO2 emissions. In some cases, the gradual entry into force of the lamp ban leaves no other option than to look at more energy-efficient lighting technologies. Now is the time to take advantage of the BEG subsidy to reduce investment costs and save energy costs in the long term by converting existing lighting to LED solutions. Do your bit for a sustainable future. Optimize the energy efficiency of your building and make a start with us.
Brumberg. Your partner for efficient lighting solutions.
We support you from the initial idea through to implementation with our partners.

For you.
For your customers.
For our future.
Four good reasons for funding.
Why is it worth applying for BEG funding?
Your competence arguments as a project partner:

Promoting sustainability.
BEG funding supports the energy-efficient refurbishment of buildings to further reduceCO2 emissions.

15% subsidy.
15% savings for lighting systems including control and regulation technology. Planning services are eligible for a subsidy of up to 50%.

Reduce electricity bills.
Counteract rising energy prices as quickly as possible with efficient lighting.

React in good time.
From February 2023, certain light sources may no longer be installed due to the lamp ban.
Information on BEG funding
- Companies, private individuals, municipalities and other companies as well as contractors and tenants of real estate.
- Measures with a minimum volume of € 2,000 (gross) per project.
- Investments within Germany.
- The entire conversion/replacement including accompanying work.
- Environmental measures such as site equipment, assembly, installation, disposal.
- Commissioning and plant optimization measures.
- Measurement, control and regulation technology.
- Components for an energy management system.
- All specifications are based on the system output (luminaire and power supply unit).
- 140 lumens per watt for LED continuous-row luminaires.
- 120 lumens per watt for other types of lighting.
- For LED luminaires: L80 at 50,000 operating hours.
- For all other types of lighting: L90 at 16,000 operating hours.
- Luminaires must remain installed in their original location for at least 5 years.
- Only interior lighting is eligible.
- Subsidy funding of 15% of the investment costs (net)
- Maximum volume limited to €1,000/m² net floor area.
- The maximum funding amount is € 5 million.
- Specialist planning services and processing by the EEE are eligible for 50% funding.
- Capped at €5/m² investment costs.
- Maximum of €20,000 per grant notification.
- Applications are submitted via a qualified energy efficiency expert. Use the link below to find the right EEE for your project in your area.
- The EEE takes care of the application process with BAFA (Federal Ministry of Economics and Export Controls).

Brumberg informs.
Please feel free to contact us!
Let's start BEG funding projects together. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Secure the BEG subsidy for your refurbishment project with an energy efficiency expert now.
BEG promotion with Brumberg luminaires.
Discover our wide range of BEG-eligible products now!
Do you have any questions?
Our BEG expert will be happy to answer all your technical and commercial questions.
You can reach Mr. Peter Zumdick on +49 2934 961159 or by e-mail at

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Are you looking for a competent specialist partner and installer who can provide you with qualified and professional advice on lighting planning? You can find your nearest BRUMBERG Competence Partner here. Please enter the zip code and/or town above and click on "Find a specialist partner".