Brumberg is a proud stadium partner of Borussia Mönchengladbach. Around the BORUSSIA-PARK and the adjacent building complex Borussia-8-Grad, we exclusively take care of the respective suitable lighting.
When the lights go on on the seven floors of the new Borussia-8-Grad building complex, the entire Brumberg range lights up. Since the beginning of 2019, we have been responsible for the entire lighting design and implementation in the new building. Borussia and Brumberg are linked by a long tradition and success story.
Two top teams at eye level.
This project brings together one of the most successful clubs in the German soccer league and a traditional company that is a leader in the German lighting market. Both teams are characterized by down-to-earthness and smart management. Ultimately, these factors were decisive in Brumberg being awarded the contract for this project. "We are very pleased to be the official stadium partner of Borussia Mönchengladbach for the next five years," explains Johannes Brumberg. "The cooperation is also special because we are acting as an equal partner on a par with an absolute top club," adds Benedikt Brumberg.
Lights on in the can throw.
"Admittedly: It was a mammoth planning task to implement this complex project in the various building and functional areas. This is shown by the long list of rooms and parts of the building that we equipped with light," Johannes Brumberg sums up. "We are proud to be able to show that we, as a comparatively small company from the Sauerland region, have the capacities and the corresponding creative solutions to successfully implement such a project," adds Benedikt Brumberg.
ModulMax track spotlights and dim2warm LED recessed spotlights provide pleasant basic lighting in the sports bar Büchsenwurf, for example. Special lighting accents are set by the decorative pendant luminaires with glass spheres above the bar and with cardboard shades in various shapes and sizes in the room. The impressive concrete luminaires above the tables are a highlight.
Brumberg in the inner sanctum.
Another particularly emotional project highlight is the staging of the club logo in the corridor connecting the stadium and the hotel. Those who make their way to the game are once again sworn in by the logo shining in the club colors. For this purpose, Brumberg has inserted profile sections of Brumberg QualityFlex RGBW between the ceiling slats as a special design. With a size of 4.6 x 5.4 meters, the diamond creates an impressive visual effect.
But Brumberg's expertise was not only in demand in the guest area, but also in the hallowed halls of the players' dressing room. There, where the Fohlen stars prepare for their Bundesliga and Europa League matches, QualityFlex LED flex boards light up in the club colors. Recessed LED luminaires set accents in the players' dressing niches and illuminate the jerseys ready for action. Downlights in the ceiling provide the basic light.
Another particularly emotional project highlight is the staging of the club logo in the corridor connecting the stadium and the hotel. Those on their way to the game are once again drawn in by the logo, which shines in the club colors. For this purpose, Brumberg has embedded profile sections of the Brumberg vitaLED 2.0 (LED flex board RGBW) between the ceiling slats as a special design. With a size of 4.6 x 5.4 meters, the rhombus creates an impressive visual effect.
The areas at a glance
For Brumberg it is a special honor to be part of this project as a stadium partner of the traditional club Borussia Mönchengladbach. Because when the lights go on in the 16,000 square meters of the newly built Borussia-8-Grad building complex, the entire Brumberg range will be lit up.